Halley Seidel's mix will be online on radio on the following dates and stations in Germany, Ibiza and others.
05.11.2022 @ www.di.fm/shows/sound-kleckse-radio-show (23:00 CET)
01.11.2022 @ www.320.fm - Germany (21:00 CET)
11.01.2022 @ www.instagram.com/radiomskk/ (11am CET)
04.11.2022 @ www.hgm.world - Germany (20h CET)
04.11.2022 @ www.fradiogr.com (22:00 CET)
04.11.2022 @ www.sonancesessions.com (2pm UK)
05.11.2022 @ www.radio-eibiza.com (5pm CET)
05.11.2022 @ www.inprogressradio.com (6pm CET)
11.05.2022 @ www.radiowebphre.com (1h EDT / 7h CET)
05.11.2022 @ www.minimalradio.de
06.11.2022 @ www.rdrradiodanceroma.it (4h CET)
2022.11.22 Upload as podcast at: Soundcloud / Mixcloud / Play.fm
/youtube / hearthis.at / iTunes / Spotify / RSS / direct download from
A promotion from Sound Kleckse Records (DE)